The only way to sustain credibility of dealing online is to give the client an access or portal that could get through easily on what they transact. Most likely communication is very much important here. We cannot afford to lose them by get in touch with them once.
Now what are means and ways to do this? No. 1 activity online is email or electronic mail. Most of top 500 fortune company are using this as a major communications. Simply it's a lot faster than the old way of mailing and even more secured and can even keep it with confedentiality. Examples are Gmail and Yahoomail , these are major email services that can be trusted. More features everday and even it creates big storage just to accommodate our needs.
Chat basically derives from the word talk and again we have Google Talk and Yahoo Messenger. One good thing for chat, it has a real time communication and even voice and video functionality added just recently.
Though these are for free but for me it is better to have my own tools because customization really matters especially if you want features to be added which are not yet exist from any tools on the net. Scalability and productivity is the keypoint here to create an effective way of communications and even lead to sales.
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